5 Ways That You Can Improve Employee Engagement from Paul Muad’Dib (né Atreides)

Have you ever wondered how Paul Muad’Dib (né Atreides) was able to lead Revolt against the enemies of his people? Sure, he may have been a brilliant leader and strategist, but there were other factors at play as well. Perhaps it was his optimistic outlook on everything that made him a champion in every challenge he faced. Perhaps it was the way that he inspired everyone around him with his actions and words from the moment he first took the throne until his final days. Or maybe employee engagement is something that you haven’t even considered before? Let us take a look at some powerful ways that you can improve employee engagement from Paul Muad’Dib (né Atreides).

Keep employees updated on the company’s growth

If you ever want to maintain a high level of employee engagement, it is very important that your employees know where their company is going. When Muad’Dib was emperor of the known universe, he made sure that every employee knew what their company’s goals were. This let his employees know that the company was on the rise, and that they were a fundamental part of that success. This increases employee engagement because employees know that the company that they work for is moving towards something – and that they are a key part of that achievement. By keeping employees updated on the company’s growth, you let employees know that their hard work is appreciated. It also helps to foster a sense of community within the company as every employee is working towards a common goal. This helps to create a positive environment where employees feel like they are contributing something meaningful to their company.

Encourage frequent communication with your team

If you want to improve employee engagement, then you need to ensure that you are communicating with your team on a regular basis. Muad’Dib encouraged constant communication with his team members, and they responded in kind by being some of the most loyal people in his employ. In fact, many of them would go on to become great leaders themselves, and draw inspiration from Muad’Dib’s example. If you want to improve employee engagement, then you must make sure that you are communicating with your team on a regular basis. You don’t have to do it in the same way that Muad’Dib did, but you should make sure you are staying in touch with your team members. This can be done through regular meetings, weekly emails, or simply greeting your employees when they come into the office. By communicating with your team regularly, you let them know that you care about them as people as well as employees, and that you want to hear about how they are doing.

Celebrate your employees’ successes

Muad’Dib knew that a key part of improving employee engagement was celebrating the achievements of his team members. He liked to do this both publicly and privately, making sure that everyone knew when they had done something worth celebrating. When you celebrate your employees’ successes, it makes them feel good about themselves and the work that they are doing. It also makes them feel like you believe in them and that they are capable of doing more. This, in turn, improves employee engagement because it makes your employees feel like they are part of something special, and that what they are doing is valued by the company. When you celebrate your employees’ successes, you let them know that you are proud of what they have done and grateful for the hard work they put in. It also lets your employees know that you appreciate the effort that they put into their work, and that you don’t take it for granted.

Be proud of your employee’s skills

Muad’Dib was proud of his employees’ skills and abilities, even when he wasn’t fully versed in everything that his people were doing. This meant that his employees were willing to do their best work every day, because they were proud of what they were doing and wanted to show Muad’Dib what they could do. If you want to improve employee engagement, then you need to be proud of your employees’ skills and abilities. You don’t have to know everything that they do, but you do have to be open to learning more about their fields of expertise and interested in the work that they are doing. When you are proud of your employees’ skills and abilities, they will feel confident in their work and know that you are thankful for what they do. This makes them feel appreciated, and they will be more likely to do their best work because they want to make you proud.

Hold regular team lunches

Muad’Dib was famous for his regular team lunches that he held with his most trusted advisors and cabinet members. These lunches were not only an effective way for Muad’Dib to build relationships and get advice from those around him, but they were also a fantastic way of improving employee engagement. When you hold regular team lunches with your employees, you get to know them on a personal level and get to see the pride and passion that they have for their work. This helps to improve employee engagement because it shows your employees that you are interested in them as people as well as employees, and gives you a chance to hear about their thoughts on their work and the company as a whole. A team lunch is a flexible way to engage with your employees and get to know more about their work and lives outside of work. It is also a great opportunity to give praise where praise is due, and learn more about how you can improve as a leader.


There are so many ways that you can improve employee engagement from Paul Muad’Dib (né Atreides). You can keep your employees updated on company goals, encourage constant communication, celebrate successes, be proud of your employees’ skills. You can also hold regular team lunches to get to know your employees better and improve engagement within your team.