Your Project Does Not End with Mordor: Goal Management Lessons from Aragorn and the Fellowship of The Ring

In the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, there’s a story about an old man telling a group of children about how Aragorn and his Fellowship from Rohan were able to overcome many obstacles on their journey. He explains that they had to overcome the fearsome ents, the vast Misty Mountains, the fierce hobbits from Isengard, and the evil forces of Sauron. But he also says that before any of these obstacles could be conquered, first Aragorn had to take time for strategic planning – setting goals for himself and his company of fighting men in order to accomplish his ultimate goal: saving Middle Earth.

Goal Setting, Motivation, and Aragorn

It is the end of your project and you have reached Mordor. The Dark Lord Sauron has been defeated, and the One Ring destroyed. But your work is not yet done. You must now return to the Shire and help rebuild it.

This may seem like a daunting task, but remember that you are not alone. You have the Fellowship of the Ring to help you. And just like Aragorn, you need to set goals and stay motivated to see this through to the end.

Goal setting:

  • The first step is to set goals. What do you want to achieve in the Shire? What kind of impact do you want to make? Write down your goals and keep them in mind as you move forward.


  • Next, you need to stay motivated. This can be difficult after everything you’ve been through, but remember that the people of the Shire are counting on you. They need your help to rebuild their home. Draw strength from your friends and from your sense of duty, and keep moving forward.


  • Finally, take inspiration from Aragorn. He was a great leader who overcame many challenges.

Rewards, Expectations and Frodo

When Aragorn finally defeats Sauron and the Ring is destroyed, the quest is not yet over. Aragorn must still face the challenges of ruling Gondor and dealing with the aftermath of the War. Similarly, your project does not end when you achieve your goal. There will be new challenges and obstacles to overcome.

To maintain motivation, it is important to set realistic expectations and reward yourself for your accomplishments. Celebrate each milestone along the way and don’t forget to enjoy the journey. After all, as Frodo says, ‘It’s all real life, isn’t it?”

The Path to Mastery: Legolas

‘The path to mastery is never easy. Just ask Legolas. The elf was born into a royal family and raised with the best archery trainers in all of Middle-earth. Yet, despite his natural talents and advantages, it still took Legolas years of practice and dedication to become the master archer we see in The Lord of the Rings.

The same is true for any goal worth achieving. It doesn’t matter how talented or lucky you are, you’re not going to achieve your goals overnight. It takes time, effort, and consistent practice to become a master at anything.

So if you’re feeling discouraged because you’re not seeing results immediately, don’t give up! Remember that even the most gifted among us need time and patience to reach our full potential.

Dealing with Setbacks: Gollum

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic novel The Lord of the Rings, the character Gollum serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of letting your goals consume you. Gollum was once a Hobbit named Smeagol who found the One Ring and murdered his cousin to get it. The Ring corrupted him over time, turning him into the creature known as Gollum. Gollum is obsessed with the Ring and will do anything to get it back, even if it means betraying his ‘friends’ in the Fellowship of the Ring.

Gollum’s story is a reminder that setbacks are inevitable when pursuing any goal, but it’s important not to let them derail you completely. It’s also important to be aware of the potential for corruption that comes with any goal, and to guard against it. As Aragorn says to Gollum in The Two Towers,

“It is not for you to decide what we must do, but for us.”